Okay, Dear Ones, I'm afraid there will be no new posts until after the New Year commences. I'm thinking it'll be 1/3/17, but I may be too happy that 2016 has finally ended to post anything.
Eh, it'll probably be 1/3/17.
But before we retire to the holidays, let's finish our look at Master Comics #46!
You may recall that when we previously say Bulletman, he was doing a solo story. So, I guess in the interest of equal time or something:
Yes... a Bulletgirl solo story. Although she has Bulletdog with her, so I'm not sure that counts as a solo story.
Anyway, Random Slap! (tm!)
And then things get all Mad Men:
Wow, Jim is a tool.
And then it leads to this:
And it turns out sexism isn't just limited to Bulletman:
I didn't realize the absence of a Y-chromosome made a person afraid of firearms. Comics teach us the most random things, don't they?
This is an embarrassment to us all at this point. Time to fade out:
Yeah, undermine the lady in your life and she'll just love you all the more, right? I'm prepared to guess that the writer of this story didn't get a lot of attention from the ladies and was rather bitter about it.
And finally:
Yay! I've captured Hitler!
Sort of!
I *COULD* end the war right now, but I'm going to just leave! For no reason! Because, COMICS!
See you in 2017!
Is Minute Man diving, or flying? I didn't think he could fly.