Friday, November 7, 2014

Captain America, Crocodile Hunter

Taking a break from Batman, let's check out Golden Age Captain America #19, starting with this CMNS Moment.... of Comic Book Greatness ! (tm!):

This has been a CMNS Moment... of Comic Book Greatness! (tm!)

This next bit was almost a CMNS Moment.... of Comic Book Greatness! (tm!):

But then this happened:

And no, the crocodile didn't eat a guy who was talking from inside of it.  THAT would have been awesome.  But no, it turns out that "the Crocodile" is just another questionably-themed villain with an odd costume: 

I'm trying to figure out what the physique would be for someone wearing that costume.  He'd have to have a really long torso and tiny legs that bent backwards. 

Before I overthink it too much, here's another installment of Well... Touche! (tm!)

Wow!  That was a Double Reverse Well.... Touche! (tm!)  You don't see a lot of those!

Enough of that.  Let's end the week with some Fun with Out of Context Dialogue! (tm!)

Even if it's true, I don't think you're supposed to say that to most girls.  I'm not a relationship expert by any means, but....

Take us out, Elton!:

See you Monday!


  1. Yeah, the art in all those Golden Age Caps is pretty wild! It grows on you after a while.
