Dear Ones, there will be no post tomorrow due to the holiday weekend. So, I'll see you back on Monday, okay? But first....
A little glimpse into the future courtesy of an "imaginary tale" from Action Comics #338:
Yes, a "lawman with unlimited authority." Let's think about that one for a second. So, Superman can do whatever he wants to whomever he wants with no legal consequences or accountability whatsoever. Yeah, that's a future to look forward to!
I prefer this overly-optimistic one from Golden Age Blue Beetle #27:
I want to know who these experts were that expected the helicopter to replace the automobile in everyday life. Whoever they were, they clearly didn't understand that oil is a finite resource. They also didn't seem to understand the concept of air traffic control.
But what does that matter when I can be beautiful, charming and popular?
I'm actually more intrigued by "How to Charm with Color." Frankly, I'd rather just wear the charming color than go through all fifty-plus chapters of the main book. It sounds like being charming involves an awful lot of work if you're having to compensate for not wearing a charming color. But who am I to argue with science?
See you Monday!
It's comforting to know sexism still exists in the future.