Friday, May 23, 2014

An Archie Christmas in May!

Dear Ones, there won't be a post on Monday because of the Memorial Day holiday, so I'll see you Tuesday!


If I had any kind of organization or discipline, I would save these for six months for some sort of special Christmas post.  But I know they'll only get lost, so courtesy of contributor Robert Gillis, let's round out the week with some panels from the Archie Giant series:

Man, I don't know what's going on there, but Archie is really into it.

Hey!  It's time for some Fun with Out of Context Dialogue! (tm!):

... yes, it was the Christmas I got to spend making a formal statement at the local police precinct!  Good times, good times!  

I'm... not going to say anything about that one.  Not that I can't.  I'm just not gonna. 

Not that Veronica didn't deserve it on a regular basis, but dang, Archie!

Don't ever do that, fellas.  In fact, don't do pretty much anything you see portrayed on this blog, ever.

Great stuff, Robert!

See you Tuesday!