Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Spaghetti A La Italian!

Just a few random panels, starting with this one from America's Best Comics #6:

I have no idea where this story is going, but any time you have two characters named "Dick" and "Tinkle," you've got my attention.

I'll peruse that ish a bit more tomorrow, but first, let us consider this about Porky Mead:



Sweet, Sweet....

He's Porky Mead.

Porky Mead.... Lover, Romantic, Ladies' Man...

... and Flapjack Aficionado.

That was from Silverish-Age Phantom Lady #14, by the way.

That's it for today, Dear Ones!  Time for a nice Greek salad and...

What!?  Denied!  Dang you, Pep Comics #13!

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I love the juxtaposition of the French "a la," the English "Italian," and the Italian and Greek food being discussed.
