Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Shut Up, Irene.

All-Flash Quarterly #32 ended the run, as superhero comics were starting to give way in popularity to western and war comics.  But the series ended with a bang, giving us not only the first appearance of the Fiddler, but even (much to my surprise):

Yup!  I didn't know that!  Long-time Green Lantern fans are very familiar with Star Sapphire, but this was the first appearance of a character by that name!  Neat, eh? 

I educate as well as entertain.  It's what I do.

Taking a look at Golden Age Green Lantern #4, I think I'm already tired of Irene:

Seriously, Irene... I don't see you running out and joining the WAC, so what say we let others make their own decisions, what say?

Hey!  It's time for Fun with Out of Context Artwork! (tm!)

Although it was obvious to everyone else, Irene never understood why she was often not invited to formal social events.

Meanwhile, Doiby Dickles, with Alan Scott's full endorsement, started wearing a costume exactly like that of GL:

And, as usual, this created a serious secret identity breach for the main hero.  Doiby was always hanging around Alan Scott, and even someone as stupid as Irene could see that this was no disguise whatsoever....

Mind you, Alan, Irene and Doiby were all aboard a Nazi ship and although Doiby later paraded around in front of Irene wearing that get-up and Green Lantern himself appeared on the boat, Irene never connected the "Alan Scott / Green Lantern" dots.  Shut up, Irene.

Here's a blurb from Spy Smasher #5:

Ain't it, though!

See you tomorrow!


  1. Well, I guess Neil Gaiman would agree that death is a woman.

  2. True that! I tried to read Gaiman's stuff... but I find it to be a bit too existential for me.

  3. Death is portrayed as female in the Marvel universe as well.
