The time has come to check out a CMNS Moment of Comic Book Greatness (tm!), courtesy of Spy Smasher #3. For you historians, this is the first issue of his own title where he switched his costume from brown to green, which wasn't nearly as practical but looked a lot better nonetheless:
"So," you're thinking, "is Adam just being silly? What's great about that?"
Well, it was the set-up for THIS:
YEAH! Apparently, Alan Armstrong was on the Exxon Valdez.
This has been a CMNS Moment of Comic Book Greatness! (tm!)
Meanwhile, I'm noticing a theme here:
It's a shame to kill her because she's thin? So, if she wasn't a size 2, you'd be okay with it?
Apparently, fat-bashing has been around a looooong time.
Bah. Let's get another CMNS Moment of Comic Book Greatness! (tm!), courtesy of All-Flash #30:
Best. Death Scene. EVER.
See you Monday!