Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Beaver, Lipstick and Boobs... Yet Totally Safe for Work

The new X-Box is going to allow developers to put restrictions on used games?  Well, thanks for making it easy, Microsoft!  The Playstation 4, it is.... in about three or four years.  I'm so far behind on my PS3 gaming, it's almost as if I had a job and a family or something.

Anyway, from the pages of All-Flash Quarterly #29, it's time for some Fun with Out of Context Artwork! (tm!):

Got to watch your positioning when you're moving things really quickly.  Zounds!

Anyway, here's a title for an ad that caught my eye:

Having read the rest of the ad, I will tell you I was more than a little disappointed with what Swifty Seaver ended up winning.

From contributor Robert Gillis, here's an installment of Got All That? (tm!) from Superman Family #168:

I'll be honest with you... ever since I started reading comics at the tender age of 5, I would just bleep right over any balloon that had more than ten words in it.  And all that "red rays / yellow rays" stuff just made no sense to me... and yet I readily accepted that Green Lantern was ineffective against the color yellow.

And from that same ish, one of the greatest Fun with Out of Context Dialogue (tm!) entries I think we'll ever see:

As was the case with Swifty Seaver up there, you're better off just leaving it to the imagination.  Thanks again, Robert!

See you tomorrow!

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