Friday, March 1, 2013

Make Way for Slyde and His Fried Eggs of DOOOOM!

So, as we can see, the trend of complete irrelevance in Spider-Man history continued with Amazing Spider-Man #272 and the first appearance of Slyde...

As you might imagine, he was basically a cross between the Speed-Demon and the Eel.  When you take two bush-league bad guys and squoosh them together, what do you get?  Another bush-league bad guy.  With a stupid name.  What is it with you kids and deliberately mis-spelling things?  "Z's" and "S's" are not interchangeable.  And get off my lawn.

His awe-inspiring origin?  Thusly:

To give credit where it's due, this is the first time I've seen fried eggs used as part of an origin story.

History tells us that Slyde slid into oblivion, but there was a DC character who had the exact same power, so there's something to be said for a character who was imitated (albeit by an equally unsuccessful character, but still...).  Do you know who I'm thinking of?  Answer in the comments and impress me with your knowledge of B-List characters!

And, since it's Spider-Man, we have to have yet another installment of...

Say it with me, people!

We GET It! (tm!)

In the previous issue, there was this cameo by the Avengers, and if there was a worse line-up in Avengers history, I don't know what it was:

When 40% of your team is the Black Knight and Starfox, you've got personnel issues.

And I don't even want to know why Hercules is picking that guy's nose.  This was probably around the time I quit reading The Avengers.

See you Monday!


  1. Wow.... that WAS pretty bad. I don't know how I missed that. The two lamest members of the FF and Gilgamesh? Egad!

  2. Two lamest members of the FF? Are you kidding? Lameness is VERY dependent on the current writer of a comic. If you ask me Reed and Sue are the heart of the team and the two best and strongest members of the FF. Throw in Captain America (under a pseudonym) and Thor and you have a pretty cool line up if you ask me. Alot of factors go into what makes a particular group cool, or work well. They hit a real low (despite any other factors) when Dr. Druid took leadership of the group for a short while. Again, this was all due to the writing more than anything else. All that being said I think that there are just some characters that shouldn't be in the Avengers. Some of whom are Wolverine, any members of the Fantastic Four, Spider-man, pretty much any of the X-Men including Ice man or the Beast.....I could go on.....Hell I mean D-Man was in the Avengers once....

  3. Oh, man... the Dr. Druid years. Remember the first Avengers vs. the X-Men mini? Gah!

  4. I believe the DC villain you are referring to is little-known Flash foe Razer.

  5. That wasn't who I was thinking of, but Razer works just as well! I was actually thinking of Blur from the Doom Patrol!

  6. Do you mean:


    Alias the Blur
    Ilse Krauss, an actress, falls in love with her own reflection. As she gets older, the reflection changes, and Ilse's madness drives her to believe that her reflective lover had been kidnapped and replaced; in retaliation, she scars the mirror with battery acid, before shooting herself. Ilse is left in a coma on life support in a Bremen hospital. The dead, destroyed mirror ends up in a junkyard before eventually it is awoken by the dream-vibrations of Mister Nobody; Alias the Blur awakens, a fractured monster-ghost with the ability to eat time. Alias the Blur follows Mister Nobody on the campaign trail to win the presidency before the battle with John Dandy, when it was freed of its tortured existence and Ilse finally died.


    Because that is the only "Blur" that I could find related to the Doom Patrol and that sounds nothing like Slyde. Unless thisw description is lacking or something.

  7. You're right, Marv! My apologies. The character's name was actually Kid Slick. Whoops!

  8. Oh, well that sounds alot like Skids.

  9. Kinda, yeah. I'd never heard of Skids, but it sounds like she's a bit more versatile.
