Friday, November 16, 2012

If I was Going to Make Up a Name, It Wouldn't be "Zongarr."

Dear Ones, I fear I'll be taking a week off for the Thanksgiving Holiday next week.  I hope you have a great one!  I, for one, am grateful that I was able to return to blogging glory with more readers than ever.  So thanks to everyone who came back after the hiatus and welcome to the newsters.

But as we head off for a well-deserved vacation, let us learn about the Golden Age Shield.

The Shield...

... does not support diversity.

And the Shield...

... is a master of disguise.  Hey!  Don't look at me from the neck down!

The Shield...

... is courteous enough to phone ahead.

And the Shield...

was apparently a fan of Nickelback.

I'll see you Monday, November 26th with new posts!  Have a great holiday!


  1. WOW! Absolutely no context for any of that. lol

  2. Also that musta been one hell of a sick beat that the Shield dropped there. Beats dubstep all ta hell when your stuff actually blows up buildings. Right up there with Catwomans "Meow." from Batman Returns.
