Thursday, January 28, 2010

Boner Bonanza Friday!

You knew it was coming. From Batman #66:

The beauty is that we have still more boners to uncover, but I can only handle so many boners in one day, so we'll save a boner or two for Monday!

Meanwhile, from World's Finest #203:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Aquaman:

..... Douchebag of the Seven Seas.

You know, it seems like if you're Aquaman, you really shouldn't be laughing at anyone. You talk to fish. And you think they're silly?

See you Monday!


  1. "A big boner of modern vintage!"

    Tiger Woods?

  2. I would swear, on Superman's empty grave, that you ran these "boner" comics once before!

  3. I don't think I have, Echo... I just scanned them last night. Some have surfaced on other blogs... but that's no reason not to enjoy them here! :-)

  4. Heh. Boners. And speaking of which, Aquaman REALLY shouldn't be laughing at the Porpoise People.

  5. What makes ME laugh is the idea of Aquaman sitting in a theater watching a Charlie Chaplain movie.

  6. Now I know what dolphins would look like if they were anthromorphized...
    and now I'm very, very frightened. =\

    As for the boner... I'm chuckling with everyone else here. :)
    Still the good ole' days sure had some pretty weird slang, didn't they?
    I wonder what a "boner" meant back then. :P

  7. Back then, a "boner" was a foolish mistake. Of course nowadays, the same thing can still occasionally apply.

  8. Comic book readers of all ages love a good silent movie reference! (So they don't feel the need to explain who Chaplin is, but go out of their way to overexplain how Aquaman could actually see a movie. The ghost of Weisinger is all around us.)

  9. Not to detract from all the excellent boners going on here, but it saddens me to think that the death of the newspaper also means that we'll never again hear the word "wuxtry".
