Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Public Service Announcement Tuesday!

Hey, kids! Here's one to grow on! From Avengers v1 #183!:

When you have to take your clothes off before having a martini, you are either really sloppy, or you enjoy your martinis way, way too much.

See you tomorrow!


  1. I usually take my clothes off after 3 or more martinis.

    Then again, I don't have a snazzy superhero costume to keep clean.

  2. Is it just me, or is this guy wearing a "Tron" helmet?

  3. Wait, so you don't strain the vermouth through a luxurious carpeting of chest hair? 'Cause that's how I make my martinis. (Try this fun garnish: belly button lint!)

  4. Tony Stark walks into a bar and asks for a "Martinus".
    Don't you mean, "Martini"? inquires the bartender.
    Tony snaps back, "Look if I wanted two, I'd order two!"
    (Thanks to Wayne & Shuster for that one.
