Thursday, October 16, 2008

Man-centric Thursday!

From Avengers v1 #18

This is the second time I found mail-order shoes this week! It's mail-order shoes madness!

From Avengers v1 #19. Be ye warned:

Quicksilver touches what he pleases. Share not a sauna with Quicksilver.

Yeah, that record would cause quite a riot with those kick-ass songs like "Volare" and "My Girl." That wild rock n'roll makes the kids crazy, CRAZY I tells ya! Just check out those teenage hooligans in the lower left corner. Next thing you know, they'll be catching the scene and digging each other's styles!

From Avengers v1. #20:

Yeah, my real worry is that you're pointing right at my schlong. Stop it.

How to turn a boy into a man:

Responsible gunplay. Preferably involving squirrels.


  1. Daisy BB Gun needs to come with a disclaimer: “Warning, BB Gun will not protect you against Quicksilver "bad Touching” or Projecto-pervs who visit your bedroom late at night. Remember to yell, “I need an adult!” in such cases.”

  2. In 1894 a boy had to learn to act like a man--like when he shouldered his trusty rifle and joined his neighbors in a lynching.
    No,Daisy, don't bring back the old days!

  3. Shouldn't a company specializing in such man-learnin' and death dealin' have a name that's a little less girly?

  4. Geez, guys, the way you're all freaking out over a BB gun I hope none of you accidentally tune into "A Christmas Story" this holiday season.

  5. Speaking of squirrels, is anyone besides me horrified at the knowledge that there was/is a heroine called Squirrel Girl out there, somewhere ?

    -- cleome45
