Lois might suspect I'm Superman... or that I'm wearing shoes!

Um, you may have burned the article, Clark, but I think Lois can remember the gist of it. You know, that you're really Superman? I don't think destroying the first draft is going to solve the problem here.

.... and, perhaps even more important, why did you take enemy property into your Fortress without scanning it for explosives or radioactive materials first?

Am I the only one who thinks that the fact Superman has a room dedicated to a shrine of Lois in the first place is creepier than anything the mystery super-villain might have in store?
Oh, look! The mystery person we thought would be a bad guy was really our pals! Is there a tired old plot device the Superman writers wouldn't use?

And the gift is LSH bobbleheads! Now that's a great gift! If those existed, I'd be driving Beloved crazy, displaying them all over the house.
I always loved it how EVERY time Clark did ANYTHING he would immediately say, "I better blah blah blah or Lois will think I'm Superman!" I better pretend to be hungry or Lois will think I'm Superman! I better pretend to be interested in that story or Lois will think I'm Superman! I better throw some water on my face to pretend to sweat on this hot day or Lois will think I'm Superman! Reminds me of a great yarn where Superman travels back in time and sees Perry White as a kid. he immediately removes his glasses and puts shoe polish on his face so that nine year old perry won't have a memory or a guy that looked like Clark Kent 60 years ago and (this is a quote) "figure out that I'm Superman who can travel through time!"
ReplyDeleteI better prematurely ejaculate or Lois will suspect I'm Superman...
ReplyDeleteIf Superman really stubbed his toe, wouldn't that desk have gone flying through the nearest wall or something?
ReplyDeleteI love how pissed he looks that he has to pretend to be hurt.
I do have to give credit for the correct usage of "presently," though.
ReplyDeleteBoy, is Clark self-absorbed! Maybe, just maybe, Lois is out doing her JOB, and not really paying attention to you and your toe-stubbing!
ReplyDeleteThe Robot Master? How is that a match for Superman? Or did he forget how to build an army of sycophantic robot lookalikes while he was growing up?
ReplyDeleteI find it somewhat amazing that even a fake Jimmy thinks that having two statues, three paintings, and a lock of hair of someone could be "only friendship." Because, you know, I have a lot of busts of my friends in my house.
Those are the best gifts ever!
ReplyDeleteWhenever I visit a friend, I always bring along a bust of myself as a present.
Gyuss, I WANT one!
ReplyDeleteWell, shoot. Maybe I need to get new friends!