Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Those Wacky Dames Wednesday!

By the 30th Century, we will fully appreciate the contribution women can make in battle. As Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad and Superboy demolish things, Light Lass contributes by..... not falling as she gets shot out of the sky.

Empowerment moves at its own pace....

He's been struck blind, but the real tragedy (according to Karen) is that he'll never fully appreciate her new hair-do.

I love comics so much.

A little-known part of Legion membership is that you are brow-beaten to find your feminine side. Cry, damn you! Cry! A real man embraces his tears!


  1. you should give footnotes for these so I ... I mean we can rush out and buy these gems to enjoy there full wackiness. I really need to know why superman's crying is the only answer.

  2. You know, I'd been wondering about that. Okay, from henceforth, I'll be putting cites on posts. I have a couple of days worth of material that won't have cites, but I'll start putting them on.

    Just FYI - Superboy had to cry because it was the only way Shrinking Violet could get out of his head. SV had flown up his nose. SV ends up getting expelled via a tear.

    I know - I'm not making it up, I swear. I think I got this from Adventure Comics #249.

  3. Is that why Superman's always crying? Is she still stuck in his head?

  4. The saddest thing that he can think of is that the Legion cartoon was cancelled after only two seasons!

  5. Shrinking Violet is stuck in Superboy's nose ...?

    Gawd, those Legionaires are wacky!

  6. I think it would be a lot funnier if he just blew his nose. Messier...perhaps.

  7. OK, first the Legion flying platform is clearly LABELED as such -- WHY? Is somebody going to mistake it for something else? And why do you need a flying platform when you have a A FLYING RING? And SV was in Superboy's brain to place a piece of Kryptonite there -- but got attacked by SB's immune system. Since Easrth was surrounded by Kryptonite, the Legion decided the best course was to make SB and SG FORGET about the legion, instead of something obvious like, hey, SB, next time you come here when you TRAVEL THROUGH TIME show up AFTER the Green K leaves Earth. Ah, the silevr age.

  8. Why Is Light Lass flying around in only her panties, which seem to match the drapes?
