Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Daredevil Silliness Wednesday!

Hey, check out Daredevil's Ipod! No, Matt, I think you can safely assume no one suspects you have all that crap strapped to the top of your head. Most of us would find it dang distracting to get weather and traffic reports in the middle of a fight with Death Stalker, but apparently not you.

As an aside, remember the first Sony Walkman? I couldn't afford one as a kid (they were around $200 at the time), so I spent $50 on a "Stereo-to-Go." It was about the size of a small child and could only play cassettes, but I thought it was the greatest development in audio technology when I played Oh, No! It's Devo! through it....

Wow, Matt. You've got serious self-esteem issues, brother. What's the lesson we're supposed to learn here? That disabled people can't be in relationships with non-disabled people? Someone help me out here, because that little attitude problem of Matt's was a recurring theme for quite a while....

Say what you will, Daredevil was quite the detail man. The guy couldn't see, yet he kept tabs on when stores had their awnings down every day? Seriously, Matt, ask Karen out. You desperately need the distraction....


  1. Seriously, when you're single, you obsess about things. My blog is proof enough of that.

    DD's got his own hobbies.

  2. the circuitry in DD's mask reminds me of the scene in Avengers (vol.1) issue 5 or 6 when Cap is controlling his shield with magnets on wrist (!!) and then Giant Man OPENS! the shield up like a freaking pocked watch and inside is all this radio equipment and other super "Jack Kirby" tech.
    DD's billy club once was displayed in a panel (maybe a pin-up) to have radio equipment in it also.

    All this Extra-Tech with DD and Cao was soon forgotten like a lot of the one-shor gadgets Spidey designed over the years.
    (the device that prevented the vulture from flying etc. etc.)
    Alan Bryan

  3. To be fair, Spidey's anti magnetic inverter wasn't used once and then forgotten, it was written out in the second Vulture story where the Vulture redesigned his wings to switch poles instantly, thus rendering the inverter useless.

    Of course, that's the exception. Usually one shot gadgets have no explanation as to why they weren't used again. For example, I think it was in the story where Rogue killed Ms Marvel where they had a device (invented by Tony Stark, if my memory serves, and it might not) that could show a projection of what happened in an area in the recent past. A device such as this could revolutionize law enforcement, but it was never mentioned again, probably because the writers realized it would make things too easy...

  4. Yeah, early Daredevil... I love to make fun of it (which I do frequently on my Daredevil blog The Other Murdock Papers, which I am hereby shamelessly plugging).

    I don't know what to think of Stan Lee sometimes. LOL And what on Earth was his hang-up on the word "sightless"? Too corny for words!

  5. Well,the 1960s were less sensitive toward the handicapped,so it is fairly credible that Matt would think a woman wouldn't go for a blind man.

  6. "I thought it was the greatest development in audio technology when I played Oh, No! It's Devo! through it"

    It's an eternal principle that the Boys From Ohio make anything cooler by their presence.

    Seriously - have the President listen to "Hardcore Devo" volumes 1 and 2 once a week, and America would be a better place for it. Science proves it.
