Thursday, July 26, 2007

Character Hall of Shame - Dazzler

You knew it was coming sooner or later.

Only Johnny Storm would be desperate enough to have the hots for Dazzler. What, is Beautiful Dreamer from the Forever People busy?


  1. Though I hated the disco era, I was bedazzled by her as a teeny bopper, now...not so much.

  2. Gah! Not Dazzler! One of the few characters that I actually despise even more than Snapper Carr!

  3. I wasn't a fan of that outfit either until it appeared in Marvel Zombies vs. the Army of Darkness. Now I have two very good reasons not to hate it.

  4. Agreed. MZ vs. AoD actually made the Disco outfit sexy.

    Her next one was pretty bad too, wasn't it?

  5. But I always wanted to be Dazzler! *SOB* My childhood dreams, shattered, trodden into the floor!.....

    Mind you, I did some really cool things with her power in my mind which she probably didn't even consider.
