Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I Don't Get This Joke....

but I do find it nifty that not only is there a such thing as a "B" sized battery, but there was enough of a demand for them at one time that they were advertising them in comics (with jokes that zoomed right past me, but there you go).

Never let it be said that I don't try to get credit for court ordered community service so I don't have to pick up trash along the highway educate as well as entertain!


  1. I'm baffled by the punchline too, but here goes: maybe short-wave makes it harder for other parties to pick up the signal, and he wants the sounds of his sweet, sweet lovemaking to be heard by "Sarge" and "Sarge" alone? (In which case, yikes.)

  2. Waves were the navy equivalent of Wacs in the army. Female navy personel, and she's short.
    Get it? Get it?
    She's a short "wave".
    Yeah I know, weak.

  3. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh..... ok, at least I get it now. Thanks!

  4. I was going to say what anonymous said but they beat me to it.

  5. Okay, not that I know anything about "anonymous", but that sounds like bullshit. The fact that it may very well be true makes it even worse.

    My initial take on this was that the cartoon presentation was misleading, in that a cartoon implies a joke, but they were being totally literal in this case.

    Either way, wow. That's terrible.

  6. Aha! There were "B" batteries!

    In your face, Jerry Seinfeld! In your face!

    E. Bernhard Warg
    Posting anonymously only because I'm to lazy to get a Blogger account...
