And, to her credit, Black Canary quickly learned her place.
You know what every comic book-reading boy wanted in the 1950's? A doll. Made from a cloth banana:

From All-Star Comics #47:

You know, I'm sure they're talking about something very important, but I'm fixated on Dr. Mid-Nite and the Flash. I'd swear they're about to make out....

Careful, kids! The first hit of baseball dope is free, but that's just to get you hooked!
I'm sure some advertising executive at Thom McCan really thought he was onto something there, but even the coolest of street lingo can't get me past that vest and bow tie.
See you tomorrow!
Dr. Midnight: Like that?
Flash: Mmmmmmm, nice. Lower.
Dr. Midnight: Hey, I have one of those banana dress things from kellogs and I was thinking:
Flash: I am *so* there.
Black Canary: Nonsense! There are no ghosts!
Dr. Midnight: The things I'm going to do to you when we get home.
Flash: I love it when you talk dirty.
Black Canary: WHAT?
Dr. Midnight: No ghosts.
Flash: Right, no ghosts.
The doctor was staring pretty intently at Black Canary's breasts.
He was just looking forward to some of that "Woman's Care" he'd been promised....
Yeah, Robert, I think it was the back massage Charles seemed to be giving Jay that made me look at it twice....
Black Canary: "Nonsense! There are no ghosts!"
Just then, the Spectre arrives late to the JSA meeting, resulting in an awkward silence...
Poor Chiquita banana.
I wonder if she knows exactly what fruit has been chopped up and served with the cereal she's advertising...
Ah, time for a link to one of my favorite sites:
Alan is just SO forceful and in-charge here. He's also trying to ignore Mid-Nite and Flash's shenanigans.
What I want to know is, WHY did cereal manufacturer's ALWAYS want box tops in exchange for cheap prizes? I mean, it's not the like the box tops were proof that any single household was actually buying that much of their crap. Kids always collected box tops from their buddies, anyway.
Ha! Erich! Good one!
It's not a cloth doll shaped like a banana (thank you, Gwen Stefani!) It's a printed cloth casing for a doll that you sew and stuff. With your mom.
Be sure to take it to school and tell all your buddies about it!
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